What makes a good Facebook landing page

In non-technical term you can say, a facebook landing page can increase your brand value. The more number of people visit to you,the more popularyou get in social media. As well as user can get a branded experience by visiting you.
Here some tips to make your landing page great:
Clear message or headlines: Message match means simply ensuring that ad copy is clearly reflected on the landing page. This usually means the ad headline and landing page headline match up. Additionally the offer from the ad and the one being made on the landing page must match up.
Put the appropriate image: Matching the image is just the extensions of the matching of the message. When it comes to Facebook ads, banner ads or any other medium that allows images, the landing page should contain the same image used in the advertise.
CTA user want to click: Having a big call-to-action (CTA) that is above the fold is pretty self-explanatory. In almost all cases you don’t want to force the visitor to look for the conversion. It should be big, bold and visible without needing to scroll down the page.So that your Facebook landing page CTA can standout among the pages. The contraction should be eye-catching and encapsulated.
Like –Gate: Like – Gate is required for your facebook user to hit the button and become your fan. A Like-gate is usually a simple image with text telling users who have not yet liked your Facebook Page that they need to do so in order to access the contest, entry or valuable piece of content you’re offering on your Facebook Landing Page.
They’re awesome because they inspire the user to like your facebook page and follow your guidelines. A well buildup facebook landing page can get you fans who are genuinely interested in your business.
Work on your USP: No matter where you’re generating traffic for your landing page, your page needs to communicate value in order to drive traffic. You have to convince visitors that engagement and conversion on your page is worth it. Just keep these things in mind:
1. Clearly showing what a page visitor stands to gain from engagement.
2. Showing the value of your discount.
3. Put some exciting words, such as – Free, Win, and Getaway.
4. Create a time constraint using, like – This week only or FaceBook Exclusive etc.
Make a good entry form: Entry form optimization is the most important part of your whole facebook landing page business. It’s essential to your business’ lead generation campaign that you get enough information out of Facebook users that you can efficiently and successfully lead them toward a sale. However, it’s also essential that you don’t ask too much of your possible leads that they bounce without completing the form.
Use some eye catching image: Your facebook lading page should have an image that easily grab people’s attention and put a longtime effect on your fan. It’s also useful for your USP. The image is usually the first thing that the eye falls upon when a Facebook user arrives on your landing page. An unappealing image or no image at all will cause a user to bounce far more quickly than a bad USP.
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